Discover How to Unlock Your Forgotten Past Through Past Life Regression with Norman Plotkin Certified Hypnotherapy Sacramento

Have you ever heard of past life regression? Perhaps you have and you searched for past life regression near me. Did you find any local past life regression providers? 

Many hypnotherapists conduct regression therapy. But past life regression has become popular with many people reading Doctor Brian Weiss’ book, Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives.

Some providers will administer a past life regression test; some providers are exclusively a past life reader, while others do past life regression therapy. In most cases a past life regression session involves regression hypnosis. 

But what is past life regression?

Is past life regression meditation?

Is past life regression hypnosis?

Past life regression is a valuable therapeutic tool that has the potential for allowing an individual to recall experiences of the past and even past lives that can open the door to deeper levels of the mind where communication takes place on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels. It is based on a theory of reincarnation.

The use of past life progression as a therapeutic tool is based on the belief that a soul survives death to be reborn again into a new body with renewed opportunity to learn life’s lessons. 

There are many past life regression books including Dr. Weiss’ book mentioned above as well as a series of books written by Dolores Cannon who developed a technique called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, or QHHT past life regression; she wrote almost 50 books on her work.

I have received training in past life regression and use it in my practice. I have also experienced a QHHT session. I have met Dr. Weiss and experienced a group past life regression session with him at a Hat House Conference.

Past life regression hypnotherapy is a valuable tool to understand yourself, your experience as well as find the meaning or origin of repetitive patterns or cycles that seem difficult to break. There is also future life progression and life between lives sessions that can be undertaken.

If you are looking for the best past life regression therapist you will want to make sure that whomever you are considering is a well-trained hypnotherapist and someone trained in past life regression. If traumatic memories are uncovered you will want someone who is trained to manage any abreactions that may arise. You will also want someone experienced to be able to guide through multiple lives and bring out from each of them relevant information that can be helpful in self-discovery and self-understanding. 

While self-hypnosis past life regression is achievable, for the reasons above and to get the most out of the experience you really want to work with someone who is trained, experienced and capable.

If you’re interested in past life regression and its benefits you are welcome to call today to schedule a no-obligation, complimentary consultation to see if its right for you. (916) 275-0796


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