Rewriting the Narrative: Healing Childhood Traumas with Hypnosis
Norman Plotkin Norman Plotkin

Rewriting the Narrative: Healing Childhood Traumas with Hypnosis

Childhood traumas can have a lasting impact on our emotional well-being, self-esteem, and relationships. Even in adulthood, the effects of childhood trauma can continue to be felt. But healing from these traumas is possible with the help of hypnosis. In this article, we will explore how hypnosis can be used to heal childhood traumas and rewrite the narrative of our lives.

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Norman Plotkin Norman Plotkin


Phobias are an irrational fear about something. Some conditions such as fear of flying can be perfectly understandable. However, other phobias like the fear of clowns or of seemingly harmless items that wouldn’t bother most people can be much more difficult to understand and manage.

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Norman Plotkin Norman Plotkin


Fear can scare you, it can motivate you, or it might even cause you to become paralyzed. Some refer to fear as nothing more than false evidence appearing real. But if you are in the grips of fear it is very real and it is important to understand fear as well as to come up with some tools and coping mechanisms for when it visits itself upon you.

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